Privacy and security
We at Undagrid care a lot about privacy and security. That’s why we designed UNO in a way it’s fully anonymous and where you are in control. We make sure your privacy and security stays safe by designing UNO that way for example;
We make sure your privacy and security stays safe by designing UNO that way for example
- the UNO cloud does not know which BLE devices are present
- the UNO cloud cannot access the data that the SDK gathered
- the phone’s identity remains anonymous
How does it then still work?
Your cloud creates a key pair for every BLE device that it wishes to receive data from and delivers the public key together with the hash of the identifier to the UNO cloud.
The smart-device SDK scans the BLE devices and based on the scan profiles identifies the devices. It then asks the UNO cloud for the public key.
For every packet of information send, the SDK will create a new key pair, and use its private key with the public key from the device to generate a unique encryption key. This is used to encrypt the data. The generated public key with the encrypted data is sent back to the UNO cloud for safe keeping.
You read out the encrypted data packets from the UNO cloud and with the help of the private key you can decrypt the data the phone scanned.